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Family conversation starters to develop curious minds

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Our App

Our app has been developed to help busy parents, grandparents, teachers and carers have a tool to help develop the minds of children aged between 7-13 through answering questions that develop curious minds.


By downloading our app, you’ll receive a new question of the day that you can discuss as a family, whether that’s around a dinner table, on the school journey, washing up or at a time that suits you and gives you the peace of mind that you are helping to develop the minds of your children, whilst also spending time bonding.


Plus our curious convos tracker allows you to track how many conversations you have had and encourages children to have their daily conversations.

Our App

Our App

Our app has been developed to help busy parents, grandparents, teachers and carers to develop the minds of children aged between 7-13 through answering questions that develop curious minds.


By downloading our app, you’ll receive a new question of the day that you can discuss as a family, whether that’s around a dinner table, on the school journey, washing up or at a time that suits you and gives you the peace of mind that you are helping to develop the minds of your children, whilst also spending time bonding.


Plus our curious convos tracker allows you to track how many conversations you have had and encourages children to have their daily conversations.


About Us

We are passionate about developing children and developing critical thinking skills that come through conversations.  The idea was founded on schools encouraging families to have conversations at home to develop these skills on a regular basis, however parents having limited time to invest in quality conversations. 


Curious Convos was developed to meet these needs by providing easy to use tools such as our question of the day app (and our soon to be launched physical conversation cards) fort parents and schools to use at a time that suits them. These help to build up skills in communication, critical thinking and developing vocabulary. 


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Teachers and Parents Testimonials

‘A great concept and really helped stimulate interesting daily conversations with the kids in the car and around the dinner table. We looked forward to the new question of the day. A great way to keep the kids engaged and away from digital devices’



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